Heat of the Night
Monday, 24 April 2006 - Copenhagen, Denmark

Presentation Summary
Lovemarks Denmark Expanded Book Launch: KR touches down and Copenhagen heats up. The Lovemarks book comes to town with fire on the covers and diamonds in the mine. From emotion and attraction to secrets and dreams, here are seven ideas to map the world and fill it with Lovemarks.
Throw your marketing manuals out the window. Start again. The old mass market rules no longer apply.
Competition, choice and technology have put power in the hands of consumers. Today you can buy a one-horse town on eBay, upload your life on YouTube, call mum on Airbus, advertise inside Second Life, and become Chief Marketing Officer on SpreadFirefox.
The rule is there are no rules. There are dreams, passions and the winners who connect them.
Success happens in a heartbeat. Or not!! The challenge is urgent.
Saatchi & Saatchi’s Dream is to be revered as the hothouse for world-changing ideas that create sustainable growth for our clients.
It takes ideas big enough and simple enough to be brought to life over time in many or any media. It takes emotion that stops consumers in their tracks. Humans are powered by emotion, not by reason. Emotion, intuition, long-term memories and unconscious motivations. They control as much as 85% of our decision-making process. That leaves just 15% for logic to battle over.
Neurologist Donald Calne: “emotion leads to action, while reason leads to conclusions.”
Idea #1: Move From Distraction to Attraction
From Information Economy, Knowledge Economy, Interruption Marketing (aka the Mass Market), Permission Marketing, the Experience Economy, the Attention Economy… to the Attraction Economy.
Interruption | Engagement |
Directors | Connectors |
One-to-many | Many-to-one |
Reactive | Interactive |
Return on Investment | Return On Involvement |
Heavy Users | Inspirational Consumers |
Big promises | Intimate gestures |
What you need | What I want |
Idea #2: Look Beyond Brands
Nine years ago Saatchi & Saatchi stared the future down. From products to trademarks, from trademarks to brands. We set out to find what came after brands. The result was our book: Lovemarks: The Future Beyond Brands. Lovemarks transform how to connect with consumers, and people get the idea fast. (Lovemarks has been published in 15 languages and more than 40 countries.)
- Lovemarks are built on Love and Respect.
- Lovemarks inspire Loyalty Beyond Reason.
- Lovemarks are owned by the people who love them, not companies.
- Lovemarks can be everything that people care deeply about. Visit www.lovemarks.com for thousands of examples. Flags, shoes, magazines, breakfast cereals, beer. (Check out www.lovemarks.com with 10,000 stories by people from over 100 countries. From clothing and cities to soap and airlines.)
- Lovemarks offer huge commercial advantages. We have proof and a unique methodology to measure Lovemarks and emotion.
Local or global, you know a Lovemark immediately:
- Harley/ Suzuki
- The iPod/ the rest
Brands are Irreplaceable. Lovemarks are Irresistible:
- Sony is Irreplaceable. Bang & Olufsen is Irresistible.
- Play Do is Irreplaceable. Lego is Irresistible.
- The classic T-shirt is Irreplaceable. In black – Irresistible.
Idea #3: Get Above Respect
Is it better to be respected, or loved and respected? No contest. Everyone wants both. The Love / Respect Axis maps how Love and Respect relate. It takes the covers off any business, enterprise, sector, relationship. Throw it on the wall and it changes the energy in the room.
Low Respect. Low Love. Commodities and utilities. No names with no claims. The world of discounts, price wars, crushing competition.
High Love. Low Respect. Hero today zero tomorrow. Fads and infatuations, promotions and competitions. From Fcuk and Tommy Hilfiger to Pop-up stores, reality shows and J Lo jeans .
High Respect. Low Love. Where the “er” words rule: faster, bigger, brighter, cheaper. The swarm of brands. The torture of supermarkets.
High Love and High Respect. Lovemarks. Irresistible appeal.
Idea #4: Discover the Three Secrets
Attraction is about people finding you, loving you, sharing you – about being so irresistible that people can’t live without you, about maxing out on respect and love to create loyalty beyond reason.
Trust, performance and reputation have become table stakes. Lovemarks have Mystery, Sensuality and Intimacy, t he most powerful human attractors.
Mystery – The beguiling power of the unknown. The flow of past, present and future. Metaphors and dreams. Symbols and stories. Icons that connect. Stories that enchant from Hans Christian Andersen. Dreams to inspire. When we know everything, there is nothing left to surprise and delight us.
Sensuality – Sight, sound, smell, touch and taste are portals to the emotions. From the roar of a Harley to the visual taste of a tangerine iMac. Never pay a premium for anything that doesn’t excite most of your senses. Apple’s share of the digital music market is 74%. Sensuality is rewriting the rules of retail too. If she doesn’t touch it, she won’t want it. In 85% of purchases only the chosen product is handled.
Intimacy is knowing the consumer better than she knows herself. How did Richard Branson jump shift Virgin’s brand? He became the customer. It’s the small touch, the perfect gesture. The connections that win undying loyalty. Intimacy is empathy, commitment, passion.
Idea #5: Build Theatres of Dream
The store is virgin territory for Lovemarks. We added a chapter to the Lovemarks book – Diamonds in the Mine – to show how to turn shoppers into buyers.
With online escalating, the store is no longer the sole means of distribution, and pricing is under siege. Five years ago every retailer was testing price and size formats. Now they’re testing experience-based design.
Most store environments lack imagination.
Up to 80% of purchase decisions and 50% of brand switching occurs in store. Supermarket leaders so far – Sunka in Catalonia, Whole Foods. Colette in Paris. Knowledgeable and expert staff, outstanding design, exciting and changing displays, attractions for the senses, great prepared food.
Idea #6: sisomo the Screen
The screen has stepped out of the living room. Into our offices, cars, stores, streets, hands, pockets. Screens are now smart, mobile and connected. Consumers are never more than an arms length from a screen. 60% of us leave our mobiles on while we sleep.
TV is transforming not declining. (2.3 billion households in the world have a TV and they love it. 95% of US households have a TV. 58,000 Britons still have a black and white television!!)
As screens morph, consumers are leaning forward, interacting and engaging . TV is becoming more game-like, mobile phones more TV-like, in-store screens more movie-like. Even computer screens are easier to like.
The Screen Age is about being a creative connector:
- You have to connect ideas and insights across telecommunications, media, advertising, marketing, art, design, entertainment, games.
- You have to inspire loyalty beyond reason across TV and online and Instore screens and now mobile phones.
In NZ we trail-blazed the idea of online mobile phone film festivals. We asked people to make a 20 second sisomo film for Telecom using their portable telephone. DIY advertising uploaded to the site by e-mail for public viewing and rating. The most rubbishy films won prizes!
The digital revolution is reshaping marketing, entertainment and technology. Saatchi & Saatchi invented the word “sisomo” to capture the possibilities.
- sisomo brings technology, marketing and creativity together.
- sisomo is an accelerator to Lovemarks.
- sisomo brings screens to life in emotional and compelling ways. Technology simple enables. (Lego SVP Mads Nipper on Mindstorms upgrade: “We had started to make fire trucks that looked like spaceships, building systems that no customer could truly appreciate. We had to clean that up.”)
- sisomo attracts consumers with engaging, compelling stories. The story engagingly told is still timeless and priceless.
- sisomo puts the action into attraction.
- sisomo inspires new formats, characters and ways for consumers to participate and communicate.
- sisomo is the future of advertising. Share on-demand, on-the-go, compelling ideas on even more screens. Online, on mobile phones, on billboards.
Idea #7: Unleash the Inspirational Consumer
Marketers will win from the inside out. Traditional marketers call them Influencers, Brand Converts, Fans. Lovemarks know them as Inspirational Consumers.
They are the ones who queue at midnight, the ones who love the brand and want to turn into a Lovemark. They get there first, tell the story and improve it for free.
As life gets closer, the challenge is to transfer power to Inspirational Consumers. They want a piece of the making, marketing and media action. Give it to them!!
Inspirational Consumers deliver ROI: Return On Involvement, not Return On Investment.
- Embrace Lovemarks. We have tools, research methodologies, case studies. Talk with Saatchi & Saatchi people. Connect with us Online, Instore on the go. Join the discussion.
- Work and play with sisomo. Demand innovative, compelling sisomo that consumers love. Focus across life on what consumers need and desire, not on what technology can deliver.
- Create Loyalty Beyond Reason . Why settle for anything less? And do it now – before it’s too late.