Just Can’t Get Enough

Saturday, 11 June 2011 - Oxfordshire, England

Loyalty Beyond Reason

Presentation Summary

Presenting to the Institute of Development Professionals in Education in Oxfordshire, Kevin Roberts presents three ideas on creating Loyalty Beyond Reason and creating frameworks for development discussions.

We live in a VUCA world: Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous – which goes to the heart of schools development.

Every day you’re up against hot competition and cold austerity, invisible alumni, Whitehall’s whims and trims, turf wars and tax traps, all while the rich get richer. The world’s millionaire households now have $47.4 trillion in investible wealth.

Wildcatting capital is hard yards, unless you start with the answer and work back. And the answer is people, understanding not what your audience is doing or saying, but knowing how it’s really feeling.

It’s a total reframe of VUCA for your audience, pulsing the school so it feels Vibrant, Unreal, Crazy and Astounding.

I’m going to share three ideas to help you create Loyalty Beyond Reason for your schools, and create a framework for your development discussions.


Philosopher Daniel Dennett said it was an occupational hazard to be asked the meaning of life, so he devised this: “the meaning of happiness is to find something bigger than yourself, and then dedicate your life to it.”

The world’s great brands are purpose-inspired, benefit-driven, answering a priceless question: How will you improve my life? And the answer doesn’t lie in attempting to deliver a return on investment.

The right ROI is return on involvement, and getting involvement is all about pumping emotion, stoking the passions of alumni and relatives, sponsors and companies, in deeply personal ways.

Emotional involvement is the lightning rod for success in a VUCA world. Think about:

  • School as a life-long romance
  • Partnerships based on chemistry, not math
  • Giving alumni and sponsors not what they want, but what they never dreamed possible
  • Connecting people so that ideas flow between them. You don’t need all the ideas yourself. Steve Jobs: “Innovation is just connecting stuff”.

How is it that video games are a $50bn a year industry, and one third of UK adults play? It plumbs true desire. Adventure, fun, rewards, disproportionate feedback and best of all, permission to misbehave!!

School is life’s launch pad, ripe for returns. Reason leads to conclusions; emotion leads to action.

Real involvement is worlds beyond “like”:

  • Brands are owned by management, marketers and stockholders. Lovemarks are owned by the people who love them.
  • Brands are built on Respect. Lovemarks are created out of Respect and Love.
  • Brands build Loyalty for a Reason. Lovemarks inspire Loyalty Beyond Reason. Beyond Attribute, Benefit. Loyalty Beyond Recession.
  • Great Brands were Irreplaceable. Lovemarks are Irresistible. Ask: am I making our school irreplaceable – or irresistible?

Degrees of involvement with a school cuts four ways:


  • Low Respect. Low Love. Raw materials to raw results. Commodities, bullying, cheating and illiteracy, unfair access. In transport, US airlines.
  • High Love. Low Respect. The creative zone of “NEW” and “GONE”. From mobile ringtones and lunch debates to Whitehall’s latest brain leak.
  • High Respect. Low Love. Land of “e-r” words, better, brighter, faster. Where brands wage wars around performance, respect and trust.
  • High Love and High Respect. Lovemarks, communities pulsing with dreams and emotions, filled with big ideas and little surprises.

There are 3 secrets to intensifying involvement:

Mystery: Taps into Dreams; Past / Present / Future; Icons and Symbols; Great stories. It’s what we don’t know that matters.

Sensuality: Touch / Scent / Vision / Sound / Taste. Exciting the five senses is an accelerator of lasting relationships. Just look at school Open Days.

Intimacy: is empathy, commitment, passion, so important for schools development. A community of contribution happens through friendship, person to person, gesture by gesture, moment by moment.

Create a sense of intimate family through shared sayings, feelings, belongings, doings. 4 keys to attracting quality students, staff and sponsors:

  • Responsibility
  • Learning
  • Recognition
  • Joy


Word of mouth is now at warp speed in an age when we are all screenagers, and when you can take a course on your iPhone.

In this 24 Forever world, New is dead. Speed matters. The Age of Now is here. Now is the only operational framework. Always on, but more than that. Living in the moment, a place that’s more exciting and joyful than the regrets of yesterday and fears of tomorrow.

70% of the happiness of your advocates, disciples and champions is in the Now, so you must go there.

Attention Participation
Inform Inspire
Interruption Interaction
Market Movement

The Screen Age runs on sisomo, sight, sound and motion lit with emotion. The opportunity is to involve and get people surging around your brand. Hot stuff:

  • Togetherville – a social network built on top of Facebook for kids, families, and teachers lets them express their thoughts on education. 90,000+ U.S. schools in its database.
  • IBM’s Serious Games – CityOne app designed for business leaders, city planners, and government agencies to solve real-world problems. Innov8 lets students, around the world, practice running virtual businesses.
  • Intel’s The Museum of Me app – gathers all the data from a Facebook profile and presents it in a museum context, along with soundtrack. The story of you!

Only three questions matter:

  1. Do I want to experience it again?
  2. Do I want to share it?
  3. Do I want to improve it?


In the Age of Now, promoters need to move with the moment. Live in a state of perpetual motion. Act now and beg for forgiveness later.

Make 100 day plans. It’s as far out as you can see!

Don’t spend all your efforts trying to come up with the perfect development plan. Fail fast, learn fast, fix fast.

“Winning isn’t the only thing, but wanting to win is.”
– Vince Lombardi

The switch to flip is from getting things done to making things happen.

You can:

  • Cross off the ‘to dos’ OR Set ambitious goals
  • Reply to email OR Start a movement
  • Repeat what you heard OR Change perceptions
  • Go with the flow OR Forge a new path
  • Anticipate roadblocks OR Create possibilities

Three Es to Sum Up:

  1. Enthuse: Be an irresistible force of nature.
  2. Engage: Involvement comes through emotions, inspiring, sensory and personal invitations to participate in what matters.
  3. Execute: The killer app! Make things happen.

The Future Beyond Brands, Cincinnati


An address to the Greater Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce: Cincinnati business leaders explore the region through the Love/Respect axis. A backgrounder on the Lovemarks story, and a six-course menu of ideas. Key ingredients include Mystery, Sensuality and Intimacy, Loyalty Beyond Reason, Inspirational Consumers, Sight, Sound and Motion.

Jumping Jack Flash


An address to the Retail Council of Quebec Annual Convention: Shopping is everywhere. It’s pervasive, restless, and a paradox. It’s a gas! Gas! Gas! Mystery, Sensuality and Intimacy have the power to take you past this – to make you Irresistible. Canadian retailers get shown how to activate the drama of the brand where it matters – to turn shoppers into buyers.

Unweaving the Rainbow


A speech made at the Expo for Marketing and Brand Building: As the mass market vanishes, marketing is entering a brave new world. Where consumers rule. Where emotion delivers. Top brand marketers get a long view of the future beyond brands. Loyalty now lies beyond reason. The challenge is to weave what’s wild and true. To create and perpetuate Lovemarks.

Emotion in Motion


An address to Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business. MBAs from a top U.S. business school get 10 fast tracks to success. Think with your heart. Look beyond brands. Dance with Einstein. Start a family. Head to the Edge. Act Local, Go Global. Unleash Paradox. Read Shakespeare. Be an Inspirational Player. Make the World a Better Place.



An address to the Association of National Advertisers’ Annual Conference in Naples, Florida. People don’t park their emotions outside the marketplace. They put them in the driver’s seat. An exploration of the power of ideas. A challenge to inspire amazing actions and inclusive outcomes. A call to producers and retailers, researchers and marketers to move beyond brands to Lovemarks.

Indoor Fireworks


A Lovemarks address to Borders Westwood Bookstore. California sun and Hollywood heat have generated a hothouse of Inspirational Consumers. Booklovers and loyal Lovemarkers turned up at Borders Westwood bookstore for the speech and a chance to win a brand-new Toyota Prius.

On Screen – On Line – In Store


An Ideas Leadership presentation in Barcelona. The more things change, the more they stay the same. In this mid-year ideas gaze, Kevin Roberts reverse-engineers value-add back from its new-century power source, the consumer. Won in the heart. Touched through sense. Experienced In Store. Found Online. Engaged On Screen. The conclusion? Value remains in ideas, story and interface, not in format and execution. But the possibilities for enterprise to add value to the human condition are now virtually and virally explosive.

Touch Me


A keynote address at the Greek Effie Hella Awards 2004. In fragile times, how can advertising sustain business, communicate worthy ideas and unlock innovations that improve lives and engage people’s emotions? Four ideas that create vital links between producers and consumers.

Power to Believe


An address to the ATKearney Global Business Policy Council. The ATKearney Global Business Policy Council meets regularly to advance issues shaping the future. This members presentation in Miami picks up the topic of Success within the Double Bottom Line, and runs with it.

You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet


An address to students and staff at the University of Limerick. Success in the real world of business is supported by the quality of your education. It is decided by what you learn when you dig into yourself. How to become a leading inspirational player in tomorrow’s world? Six ideas that go to the next level of human possibility. Ideas that will shape the vision of business over the next two or three decades. Ideas that prove – you ain’t see nothing yet.