A debate with other industry players about the idealism of love in business. Should branding strategists really be attempting to evoke our deepest human emotions?
An article by Raymond Snoddy from The Independent – advertising and marketing are rapidly changing.
Ideas surrounding the explosive convergence between design and enterprise – design is fermenting a revolution in radical optimism.
A speech made at the Expo for Marketing and Brand Building: As the mass market vanishes, marketing is entering a brave new world. Where consumers rule. Where emotion delivers. Top brand marketers get a long view of the future beyond brands. Loyalty now lies beyond reason. The challenge is to weave what’s wild and true. To create and perpetuate Lovemarks.
An address to Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business. MBAs from a top U.S. business school get 10 fast tracks to success. Think with your heart. Look beyond brands. Dance with Einstein. Start a family. Head to the Edge. Act Local, Go Global. Unleash Paradox. Read Shakespeare. Be an Inspirational Player. Make the World a Better Place.
Exame magazine looks at Lovemarks and how the balance of power has shifted from retail into the hands of the consumer.
An address to the Association of National Advertisers’ Annual Conference in Naples, Florida. People don’t park their emotions outside the marketplace. They put them in the driver’s seat. An exploration of the power of ideas. A challenge to inspire amazing actions and inclusive outcomes. A call to producers and retailers, researchers and marketers to move beyond brands to Lovemarks.
This is the first regular column for Italy’s L’Espresso magazine. A look at ideas which permeate the cultural and commercial landscape – encompassing communications, marketing, enterprise, design, sport and fashion.
Consumers have taken charge of their own destiny, and the fashion industry needs to re-establish emotional connections with them.
Jack Yan reviews the new book Lovemarks: The Future Beyond Brands.
Brands are dead, emotion weighs more than reason, and the theory of Lovemarks.
Creative Eye commentary, describing how global brands in the Middle East can develop greater social connections, to earn the Love and Respect of their consumers
A Lovemarks address to Borders Westwood Bookstore. California sun and Hollywood heat have generated a hothouse of Inspirational Consumers. Booklovers and loyal Lovemarkers turned up at Borders Westwood bookstore for the speech and a chance to win a brand-new Toyota Prius.
A discussion with David Hershkovits, from the New York magazine ‘Paper’ about brands, education and the power of relationships over transactions.