5 Ways to be a Super-Work-Star – fin24
Thursday, 28 May 2015
According to Kevin Roberts, worldwide executive chair of Saatchi & Saatchi, one needs five things to be successful in a job these days:
- IQ (intelligence quotient):
Look for smart employees who can move, think and do fast. - EQ (emotional intelligence):
In a world of empathy and intuition one must be able to follow your instinct and “feel the rhythm of the problem” – of course one needs to also check the facts of a matter first. - TQ (technology quotient):
Tech savvy is very important and according to Roberts one must be able to “make tech your slaves”. - BQ (“BLOODY QUICK”):
BQ in his equation simply stands for being able to be “bloody quick” as velocity is very important in today’s world. - CQ (creativity quotient):
Lastly, he said all of the above abilities must be enhanced “to the power of CQ.